
Formitize Tip: How to Create Powerful Online Webforms

Technology can take the pain out of old, time-consuming processes and transform your business operations. One powerful example of this is the Webform. Imagine being able to email clients a form for them to complete on their desktop or mobile device instantly or the convenience of your customers filling out forms right in your website and you receiving their responses instantly with actions automatically triggered.

Formitize have created a great way for you to use webforms to collect data from your customers and the process is really simple.

Create Customised Webforms

Create your own webforms to either embed in your website or to send to your clients.

When emailing webforms, you can either send blank forms or pre-populate the form first before sending. Your clients can open and complete the form on their computer, tablet, or mobile phone and sign on screen.

Formitize forms can be custom built using the drag and drop form builder and importantly, all the automated form actions and integrations are included such as CRM updates, sales pipeline management, automated emails, notifications, and so much more.

Forms for Your Website

Use the drag and drop form builder to create online webforms that can be embedded into your website pages.

The perfect tool for Contact Us forms, Order forms, Information Request forms, Contractor Registrations, New Customer Setup, General Agreements, and so much more!

When the form is submitted, a whole range of automated actions can trigger such as: Adding details to CRM, Creating Email Notifications, Sending PDF information, Creating a New Lead, Creating a New Task, and so much more!

Our online webforms can help you with various tasks – from collecting customer information at the onset to general agreements and contracts. Say goodbye to your old paperwork-dependent system and say hello to powerful online webforms.

Email Forms to Clients

You can email clients with a link to your webform. The form can be blank or you can pre-populate fields in the form before sending. Your clients can open and complete your webform on any device.  So, as an example: Create an agreement form, pre-populate the key information, email the link, the client reads, signs on screen and submits from their phone, tablet or desktop.

The perfect tool for Agreements, Contracts, Variations, Applications, Employee Detail Requests, Pre-Inspection Agreements, and so much more!

Powerful Database Lookups

Link fields in your forms to lookup from databases. Perfect for parts, services, people, locations, and so much more. Saving time and improving accuracy.

Add Smart Logic to Save Time

Smart logic means the forms only show the information required. Routing questions based on responses saves so much time and mandatory questions results in all required fields must be completed before submission.

Automated Calculations

Remove calculation errors from your submitted forms forever by using automated calculations. Calculations such as item details, parts pricing, services, areas and quantities, taxes, and so much more can all be done automatically.

Required Fields = Nothing Missed!

One of the biggest issues with paper forms is questions or sections of the form being forgotten or missed. Required or mandatory status can be added to any field in your forms (including signatures) preventing the user from submitting the form until all required fields are completed.

Custom Email Templates

If you would like to email a link to a webform, choose “Email Weblink” enabling access to saved email templates. If you are using the CRM, contact placeholders can be added for personalisation. The weblink button is automatically embedded for you.

Automated Weblink

The weblink button is created and automatically embedded into your email for you. The recipient simply clicks on the link to be taken straight to the webform. So clean and so simple to use.

Client Completes Online & Signs

Your customer completes the required form fields on their phone, tablet or desktop, signs on screen and submits. Signature can be added using mouse, stylus, or finger.  eSignature components are automatically captured against the submission including Time, Date, IP Address, Device detail.

Submitted Form Actions

When your customer submits a webform, you have access to the full suite of Form Actions. Actions include: Automated emailing of PDF (to one or multiple people), Updating Database records, Creating a New Task, Triggering Notifications, Creating a new Lead or Contact in the CRM, Changing the Status of the form, Triggering a CSV or XML file and so much more.

When your customer submits a webform, you have access to the full suite of Form Actions. Actions include: Automated emailing of PDF (to one or multiple people), Updating Database records, Creating a New Task, Triggering Notifications, Creating a new Lead or Contact in the CRM, Changing the Status of the form, Triggering a CSV or XML file and so much more.

Full Activity History

All activity related to the form is tracked from start to finish and stored again in the Form History so you can see when it was viewed, edited, when the status was changed, and more. All easily accessed in the Submitted Form History.

Famous for Incredible Support

Your dedicated Client Success Manager will be there with you throughout your journey.

We can’t wait to chat and discover how we can help you get paperless and improve the way your business works.

Are you ready to give online webforms a try? Start your Free 30-day Trial Today!

Just another way Formitize is helping you run your business smarter, impress your customers, and save our forests!

Formitize – making paperwork paperless.

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